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    Portable Deployment Kit uses Iridium Satellite Links to Track Military Supplies

Iridium is providing satellite links for a new mobile system that uses radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology to track the movement of critical military supplies in forward operating areas.

The Portable Deployment Kit (PDK), developed by Savi Technology, Inc., and NAL Research Ltd., is a lightweight mobile RFID solution that addresses the challenge of extending supply-chain visibility directly into the Area of Operations, where there is no infrastructure of fixed RFID readers. The U.S. Marine Corps plans to deploy 100 initial units in Southwest Asia in coming months.

The PDK is a mobile checkpoint solution (MCS) that integrates several automatic identification and data collection (AIDC) technologies, including bar codes, 2D bar codes, active RFID, GPS positioning and Iridium satellite data modem, all in a single carrying case that can easily be transported by a single person and powered by a vehicle’s battery. The system collects and processes data from active RFID tags on equipment pallets and containers, then transmits it along with GPS position information through the Iridium satellite network to the Department of Defense In-Transit Visibility (ITV) network server. According to the press release, ITV is the world’s largest active RFID cargo tracking system, which Savi Technology helped to build. It extends across more than 1,500 locations.

“This new system fills an important gap in supply-chain management by permitting logistics planners to track the location and movement of critical supplies to warfighters in the Area of Operations where fixed RFID readers are not usually available,” said Dr. Ngoc Hoang, president of NAL Research, an Iridium value-added manufacturer.

“The PDK is a fully operational solution right out of the box that can be easily transported at a moment’s notice to meet the military’s need to locate supplies at any time and anywhere,” said David Stephens, Savi’s senior vice president, public sector. “It’s also much more than just a mobile checkpoint solution for supplies equipped with active RFID devices. It’s also a nested visibility solution that can leverage a wide range of AIDC technologies that are used to keep track of supplies.”

“The RFID is a good example of how today’s military forces are leveraging Iridium’s global, low-latency data connectivity to solve a wide range of asset location, monitoring and tracking requirements,” said Greg Ewert, executive vice president of Iridium Satellite.

About NAL Research NAL Research ( is an independent privately held company headquartered in the Northern Virginia metropolitan area. The company provides advanced Iridium satellite modems and tracking terminals for the defense, research and commercial sectors. NAL Research products are used globally in a wide range of applications, including asset tracking, search and rescue, remote sensing and command/control of both ground and airborne platforms. NAL offers every phase of engineering services, from conceptual design to final production.

About Savi Technology With over 15 years of experience, Savi Technology ( is a leading provider of active RFID solutions for the management and security of supply-chain assets, shipments and consignments. Savi’s integrated RFID hardware and software solutions drive business value, such as reducing supply-chain assets, inventory and operational costs. The company tailors its solutions to the defense, commercial supply chain asset management and global supply-chain visibility and security markets. Savi’s solutions are designed to meet the supply-chain needs of defense and government organizations, global shippers, manufacturers, retailers and suppliers, as well as service providers such as terminal operators and asset owners. Founded in 1989, Savi Technology is privately held with headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif., and offices in Washington, D.C., London, Singapore, Johannesburg and Melbourne.

About Iridium Satellite Iridium Satellite LLC ( is the only provider of truly global satellite voice and data solutions with complete coverage of the earth (including oceans, airways and Polar Regions). Iridium delivers essential communications services to and from remote areas where no other form of communication is available. The Iridium constellation of 66 low-earth orbiting (LEO), cross-linked satellites operates as a fully meshed network and is the largest commercial satellite constellation in the world. The Iridium service is ideally suited for industries such as maritime, aviation, government/military, emergency/humanitarian services, mining, forestry, oil and gas, heavy equipment, transportation and utilities. Iridium provides service to the U.S. Department of Defense. The company also designs, builds and sells its services, products and solutions through a worldwide network of more than 100 partners.

    Submitted By: news team Date: 2005-10-20
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