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Microstrip Trainer

  Product Brief :

Amitec Microwave Integrated Circuit Trainer

MIC 20

 Amitec Microwave Integrated Circuit Training system MIC 20


Amitec MIC Trainer MIC 20

 Amitec MIC Training system MIC 20

 Amitec Microstrip Trainer MIC 20

Amitec Microstrip Training system MIC 20

Amitec MIC20 Technical Specifications:

Amitec Model MIC20 has been developed keeping in

mind the requirements of new syllabus for most

universities. It uses a broadband Microwave source

working over a bandwidth from 2-4 GHz and a matched

Detector for scanning the bandwidth. Several modules

using low loss substrate are provided with etched

surface mounted circuits. Gold plated SMA connectors

are provided on each modules for repeatable

connections. Teflon cables are provided for low loss


* 2-4 GHz source and Detector with VSWR


* Over 10 different MIC modules provided

* 50 Ohms matched impedance system

* Gold plated connectors

* Low loss substrate

Microwave Source : 2 GHz to 4GHz

Frequency Display : LCD

Output Impedance : 50 Ohms

Attenuator : 20 dB

Operating modes : Sweep, CW, Int AM, Int FM,

Ext. Am, Ext. AM

Modulating Freq. : 100Hz - 10 KHz AM Square

Wave, FM Triangular wave

Power Supply : 220V + 10%, 50 Hz

Microwave Source

Amitec MIC20 Technical Specifications

VSWR Meter

MIC Component


E-Manual: Installation DVD for ease of Learning

List of Experiments:

Input Frequency : 1KHz

Range : 10dB & 5 dB steps

Gain : Adjusts the Reference level,

variable range 0-10 dB.


* BandStop Filter

* Parallel line Directional Coupler

* Wilkinson Power Divider

* Branchline Directional Coupler

* Low Pass filter

* Band Pass Filter

* Ring Resonator

* Rat-Race Hybrid Ring Coupler

* Patch Antenna

* Log Periodic Antenna

Coaxial Detector, Microstrip Directional

Coupler, Matched Load, Short, SMA to SMA

Adapters(M-M), SMA to SMA Adapters(F-F), SMA (M)

connector fitted cables, Attenuator

50 ohm Microstrip line

Measurement of

* Transmission loss and reflection loss,

* Substrate dielectric constant using ring resonator

* Power division ,isolation and return loss


* Coupling, isolation and return loss characteristics

* Coupling and directivity

* Power division and isolation characteristics

* Low pass filter characteristics

* Band pass filter characteristics

* Band stop filter characteristics

  Product Specifications :

  Product ID :Microstrip Training system
  Product URL :

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Cost :Low costModel :MIC20
  Product Download URL :

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  Details of Product Vendor
  Name :Amitec Electronics ltd.
  Web :

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Phone :+919810193153,+91981Fax :+91-120-4371276-26
