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  Transmission Line Trainer

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Category : Transmission-Line Components : 

Transmission Line Trainer

  Product Brief :



TLA-10 Transmission Line Analyzer has been designed

to help educators visualize standing waves

on a CRO and work on real transmission lines unlike

most of the transmission line trainers currently

available for educational purposes which use

artificially simulated line modules with lumped

parameters. An exhaustive manual has been

provided with the system, which provides detailed

experimental procedure of the system.


* To study standing waves and observe maxima

and minima of a transmission line on a CRO.

* Uses actual coaxial lines rather than simulated


* Appreciate significance of impedance


* Measures VSWR, reflection coefficient,

characteristic impedance, velocity of

propagation, dielectric constant and signal


* Study Time Domain Reflectometry.

* Study location and nature of

discontinuities,open/short, mismatched

terminations, etc.

* Offers a complete view of the transmission line

in analog and digital domains, which is

essential for complete understanding of

transmission line behaviour.

Technical Specifications:

A. Frequency Domain Analyzer

Frequency range : 25-1000 MHz typical.

Display : LCD

Max level : 110dBuV max open circuit


Flatness : ±1.5 dB upto 500MHz

Spurious harmonics : 20dB below fundamental

Attenuator : in steps of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8,

15 dB

Output Impedance : 50 Ohms nominal

Scope out : X-Y output to scope

B. Resistive Impedance Analyzer

Range : 0 to 1000 ohms

characteristic impedance

Display : LCD

Resolution : 1 Ohm

C. Time Domain Reflectometer

Ranges Long :

Pulse rep. Rate : 10MHz typical

Pulse width : <10ns typical

Short :

Pulse rep. Rate : 100KHz typical

Resolution : Better than 1m with

100MHz scope

Amplitude : 1V nominal

Power Supply : 220V + 10 % 50 Hz


Lengths of 50 ohms and 75 ohms coaxial

cable300ohms parallel line with balun, lossy & loss

less lines, 2 Tee connectors, ,Standard load of 50

and 75 ohms, Various capacitive and inductive loads,

shorts, Operating manual, Mains cord


* To study standing waves and observe their

maxima & minima on a transmission line using

frequency domain method.

* To measure the characteristic impedance of a

transmission line and study matched line using

frequency domain method.

* To measure the VSWR, reflection coefficient and

return loss in a transmission line.

* To measure the dielectric constant of the insulator

of the transmission line.

* To measure the velocity of propagation and wavelength

of signal in a transmission line.

* To study the attenuator characteristic of signal

along a transmission line and observe its variation

with frequency.

* To study the effect of inductive and capacitive

loads on wave transmission on a line.

* To study the difference between lossy and loss

less line.

* To study the physical dimensions of transmission

line and estimate its characteristic impedance.

* To study behavior of long and short lines.

* To study the operation of a balun transformer and

study a parallel line.

* To study the loading of transmission line and study

the effect of loading on transmission line.

* To study the use of coaxial lines as tuned circuits

and delay lines.

* To study the input and output impedance of an

RF circuit and match it to 50/75ohms.

To study open/short and terminated transmission

lines using TDR technique.

* To measure the characteristic impedance of a

given transmission line using TDR technique.

* To measure the velocity of propagation and dielectric

constant using TDR.

* To measure the attenuation constant using TDR.

* To measure the VSWR, reflection coefficient and

return loss using TDR.

* To study the effect of inductive and capacitive

loads using TDR.

* To study various faulty joints in lines using a TDR.

  Product Specifications :

  Product ID :TLA
  Product URL :

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Cost :Low CostModel :TLA10
  Product Download URL :

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  Details of Product Vendor
  Name :Amitec Electronics Ltd.
  Web :

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Phone :09810193153, 0981183Fax :0120-4371276-26
