Amitec Electronics Ltd presents Maskless Lithography
Resolution of submicrons, No raster scanning, 1000 grey scale,No mask, No QA of mask, rapid prototyping, can do curved surfaces, any substrate plus a lot more, Better than conventional lithography.
What a radical idea!
exposure system that’s radically easy to use. Simple, one
button exposure in a mere 4 square feet.
- A benchtop photolithographyGo where no scientist has gone before
the shots. Miniaturize and pattern designs on virtually any
material of virtually any shape and size, even grey scale and
features down to 5 microns!
- You callFaster than a speeding bullet
prototyping. Pattern prototypes in seconds not the weeks
or months needed for systems requiring photomasks.
- InstantaneousA penny saved is a penny earned
priced with deliriously low operational and maintenance
- CompetitivelyLean on me
customer service, personalized support and a complete
- We give you peace of mind with completeThe SF - 100
Advanced technology ...
that speaks your language
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St. Petersburg Times
November 3, 2003