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  Anritsu MS9710B Optical Spectrum Analyzer

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Category : Transmission-Line Components : 

Microwave Test bench

  Product Brief :


Microwave Training system MWL10 Features:

* Waveguide Inside outside precious meta plated test bench

* Tested on HP network analyser

* Microwave Power meter with X band source

* Simultaneous different experiments.

* X band spectrum analyser

* PC and audio communication in Microwave Trainer


Technical Specifications

1 Micrometer tunable Gunn Oscillator

Frequency range X band (8.5-11.5 GHz)

Power output 10 mW

Calibration chart steps of 100 Mhz


2 PIN Diode Modulator

S12 off 10dB

S12 on 2dB


3 Isolator

S12 20dB

S21 1dB


4 Calibrated Frequency Meter

Accuracy 1%


5 Calibrated Variable Attenuator

S12 1 to 20dB variable


6 Fixed Attenuator

S12 6dB


7 Slotted Line with Matched Probe

Resolution 0.1mm


8 Matched Detector Mount

Sensitivity -10dBm at 10 Ghz / 100mV dc


9 Fixed Short


10 Rectangular Waveguide


11 Matched Termination - 2nos

S11 >25dB


12 S.S. Tuner with Micrometer

Resolution X Y0.1mm


13 Solid dielectric Cell


14 Liquid Dielectric Cell


15 Phase Shifter


16 E plane Tee


17 H Plane Tee


18 Magic tee


19 M.H.D. Coupler

Coupling 10dB

Directivity 30dB


20 Circulator

S12 20dB

S21 1dB


21 Waveguide Stand - 5 nos


22. Manual Antenna rotator


23. Horn Antenna


24. Reflector Panel



25 Waveguide coax adapter


26 X band Coaxial cable


27 Movable Short


28 Digital Gunn Power Supply

Voltage 2-10 V/500mA

PIN Mod 900-1100Hz/0-10V

RS 232 port PC comm.

MIC input Audio comm.


29 SWR Meter square Law

Frequency 1KHz

Bandwidth 100Hz

Sensitivity 10uV

Rs232 port PC interface

Demod. Out For audio communication; builtin Speaker


30 X band Spectrum Analyser Downconverter module

Spectrum Analyser X Band Features:

* X Band measurement range

* Low cost with high performance

* Shows Gunn, Klystrons, Magnetrons, DRO’s etc.

AM and FM modulation

* Relative power & VSWR measurement

* Observe Spurious outputs of Gunn, Klystron

* Observe leakage in waveguide Flanges

* Gain, coupling, loss measurement


31 X band Microwave Power Meter XPM10 with X band source

Amitec Microwave Power Meter XPM10 Features:


Frequency range : 8.2GHz to 12.4 Ghz

Display : 16X2 Backlit LCD

Power : +20dBm to -30dBm

Measurement : dBm, dBr, mW, dBW, dBuW

With Digital Display

Resolution : 0.1, 0.5 and 1dB

Offset : For relative measurement

Level Indicator : Digital display and Bar Graph

Power : 100-240VAC, 47-63 Hz



Frequency Range : 8.2GHz to 12.4 GHz

Power range : +20dBm to -30dBm

Compensation : Temperature compensated thermistor

Cable : Sensor/meter cable 3m



Frequency : 10.3 Ghz typical

Power level : 1mW typical



E-Manual: Installation Video for ease of Learning


Related Equipment : Microwave Antenna Training System MAT10



1. Introduction to waveguide components.

2. Gunn oscillator

i) Measurement of current vs. voltage characteristic of Gunn

ii) Measurement of Gunn oscillator output power and voltage.

iii) Measurement of Gunn oscillator frequency and voltage.

3. Modulator and crystal detector

i) Operation of PIN diode modulator.

ii) Operation of crystal detector.

iii) Measurement of square law behavior of crystal detector.

4. Propagation modes, wavelength and phase velocity in a waveguide.

i) Measurement of frequency of source.

ii) Measurement of free space & guide wavelength and verify waveguide law.

5. Q and bandwidth of resonance cavity.

i) Measurement of Q using power meter technique.

ii) Measurement of Q using SWR method.

6. Power Measurement

i) Direct Power Measurement

ii) Measurement of Power using Directional Coupler.

iii) Measurement of conjugate and Zo power.

iv) Measurement of power of modulated signal.

7. VSWR and Reflection Coefficient by Standing wave and

Double Minimum Method

i) Measurement of low and medium range SWR.

ii) Measurement of high range SWR.

iii) Measurement of high SWR using a calibrated attenuator.

8. Impedance Measurement

i) Measurement of unknown Impedance of load with smith chart.

ii) To match an unknown impedance.

9. Waveguide Hybrid( Magic) Tee

i) Measurement of Power division or Decoupling between H-arm and E- arm of a Magic Tee.

ii) Measurement of Insertion loss of a Magic Tee.

iii) Measurement of Return Loss of H arm of a Magic Tee.

vi) Measurement of VSWR of ports of Hybrid (Magic) Tee

10. Properties of Directional Coupler

i) Measurement of coupling factor.

ii) Measurement of directivity.

iii) Measurement of return loss of a load.

iv) Measurement of Main line insertion loss.

v) Measurement of VSWR of ports.

11. Fixed and Variable Attenuator

i) Measurement of attenuation using the Power Ratio


ii) Measurement of attenuation using the substitution


iii) Measurement of low values of attenuation.

Iv) Measurement of VSWR and Insertion Loss.

v) Measurement of Insertion Loss of attenuator.

12.To study a cavity resonator type frequency counter.

13.To study wave guide to coax transition.

14. To establish a Microwave audio & PC-PC communication link.

  Product Specifications :

13 Solid dielectric Cell

14 Liquid Dielectric Cell

15 Phase Shifter

16 E plane Tee

17 H Plane Tee

18 Magic tee

19 M.H.D. Coupler

Coupling 10dB

Directivity 30dB

20 Circulator

S12 20dB

S21 1dB

21 Waveguide Stand - 5 nos

22. Manual Antenna rotator

23. Horn Antenna

24. Reflector Panel

Mfd by: Amitec Electronics Ltd.

Regd. Off: 504, Nilgiri, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001

Works: 4/32, Site-4, Industrial Estate Sahibabad, UP-201010,

91-120-4371276, 91-9811839949, 91-9810193153

Microwave Training system MWL10 Features:

Technical Specifications

* Waveguide Inside outside precious meta plated test bench

* Tested on HP network analyser

* Microwave Power meter with X band source

* Simultaneous different experiments.

* X band spectrum analyser

* PC and audio communication in Microwave Trainer

1 Micrometer tunable Gunn Oscillator

Frequency range X band (8.5-11.5 GHz)

Power output 10 mW

Calibration chart steps of 100 Mhz

2 PIN Diode Modulator

S12 off 10dB

S12 on 2dB

3 Isolator

S12 20dB

S21 1dB

4 Calibrated Frequency Meter

Accuracy 1%

5 Calibrated Variable Attenuator

S12 1 to 20dB variable

6 Fixed Attenuator

S12 6dB

7 Slotted Line with Matched Probe

Resolution 0.1mm

8 Matched Detector Mount

Sensitivity -10dBm at 10 Ghz / 100mV dc

9 Fixed Short

10 Rectangular Waveguide

11 Matched Termination - 2nos

S11 >25dB

12 S.S. Tuner with Micrometer

Resolution X Y0.1mm

Mfd by: Amitec Electronics Ltd.

Regd. Off: 504, Nilgiri, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001

Works: 4/32, Site-4, Industrial Estate Sahibabad, UP-201010,

91-120-4371276, 91-9811839949, 91-9810193153


E-Manual: Installation Video for ease of Learning

Related Equipment : Microwave Antenna Training System



1. Introduction to waveguide components.

2. Gunn oscillator

i) Measurement of current vs. voltage characteristic of


ii) Measurement of Gunn oscillator output power and


iii) Measurement of Gunn oscillator frequency and


3. Modulator and crystal detector

i) Operation of PIN diode modulator.

ii) Operation of crystal detector.

iii) Measurement of square law behavior of crystal


4. Propagation modes, wavelength and phase velocity in a


i) Measurement of frequency of source.

ii) Measurement of free space & guide wavelength and

verify waveguide law.

5. Q and bandwidth of resonance cavity.

i) Measurement of Q using power meter technique.

ii) Measurement of Q using SWR method.

6. Power Measurement

i) Direct Power Measurement

ii) Measurement of Power using Directional Coupler.

iii) Measurement of conjugate and Zo power.

iv) Measurement of power of modulated signal.

7. VSWR and Reflection Coefficient by Standing wave and

Double Minimum Method

i) Measurement of low and medium range SWR.

ii) Measurement of high range SWR.

iii) Measurement of high SWR using a calibrated


8. Impedance Measurement

i) Measurement of unknown Impedance of load with

smith chart.

ii) To match an unknown impedance.

9. Waveguide Hybrid( Magic) Tee

i) Measurement of Power division or Decoupling

between H-arm and E- arm of a Magic Tee.

ii) Measurement of Insertion loss of a Magic Tee.

iii) Measurement of Return Loss of H arm of a Magic


vi) Measurement of VSWR of ports of Hybrid (Magic) Tee

10. Properties of Directional Coupler

i) Measurement of coupling factor.

ii) Measurement of directivity.

iii) Measurement of return loss of a load.

iv) Measurement of Main line insertion loss.

v) Measurement of VSWR of ports.

11. Fixed and Variable Attenuator

i) Measurement of attenuation using the Power Ratio


ii) Measurement of attenuation using the substitution


iii) Measurement of low values of attenuation.

Iv) Measurement of VSWR and Insertion Loss.

v) Measurement of Insertion Loss of attenuator.

12.To study a cavity resonator type frequency counter.

13.To study wave guide to coax transition.

14. To establish a Microwave audio & PC-PC

communication link.

25 Waveguide coax adapter

26 X band Coaxial cable

27 Movable Short

28 Digital Gunn Power Supply

Voltage 2-10 V/500mA

PIN Mod 900-1100Hz/0-10V

RS 232 port PC comm.

MIC input Audio comm.

29 SWR Meter square Law

* X Band measurement range

* Low cost with high performance

* Shows Gunn, Klystrons, Magnetrons, DRO’s etc.

AM and FM modulation

* Relative power & VSWR measurement

* Observe Spurious outputs of Gunn, Klystron

* Observe leakage in waveguide Flanges

* Gain, coupling, loss measurement

Frequency range : 8.2GHz to 12.4 Ghz

Display : 16X2 Backlit LCD

Power : +20dBm to -30dBm

Measurement : dBm, dBr, mW, dBW, dBuW

With Digital Display

Resolution : 0.1, 0.5 and 1dB

Offset : For relative measurement

Level Indicator : Digital display and Bar Graph

Power : 100-240VAC, 47-63 Hz

Frequency Range : 8.2GHz to 12.4 GHz

Power range : +20dBm to -30dBm

Compensation : Temperature compensated


Cable : Sensor/meter cable 3m

Frequency : 10.3 Ghz typical

Power level : 1mW typical

Frequency 1KHz

Bandwidth 100Hz

Sensitivity 10uV

Rs232 port PC interface

Demod. Out For audio communication; builtin


30 X band Spectrum Analyser Downconverter module

31 X band Microwave Power Meter XPM10 with X band


Spectrum Analyser X Band


Amitec Microwave Power Meter XPM10





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Phone :+91-9810193153Fax :+91-120-4371276



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