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    Serial BERT (Agilant N4903A, up to 12.5 Gbps) for jitter-tolerance test
    0.05 to 50 GHz GaAs MMIC Distributed Amplifier by Mimix Broadband.
    WLAN RF Front-End Modules for Cellular Handsets: SiGe Semiconductor
    Integration of HBTs and pHEMTs on Single InGaP GaAs Die by Anadigics
    SyVoice VWLAN7100 CSM VoIP Solution For Wireless Mobiles: SyChip

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    Serial BERT (Agilant N4903A, up to 12.5 Gbps) for jitter-tolerance test
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    Serial BERT (Agilant N4903A, up to 12.5 Gbps) for jitter-tolerance test
    0.05 to 50 GHz GaAs MMIC Distributed Amplifier by Mimix Broadband.
    WLAN RF Front-End Modules for Cellular Handsets: SiGe Semiconductor
    Integration of HBTs and pHEMTs on Single InGaP GaAs Die by Anadigics
    SyVoice VWLAN7100 CSM VoIP Solution For Wireless Mobiles: SyChip

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    Integration of HBTs and pHEMTs on Single InGaP GaAs Die by Anadigics

Anadigics, Inc. recently announced the Company's proprietary, commercial process for integrating hetero-junction bipolar transistors (HBTs) with pseudo-morphic high electron mobility transistors (pHEMTs) on a single indium gallium phosphide (InGaP) gallium arsenide (GaAs) die. ANADIGICS' HBT/pHEMT process improves talk-time and ruggedness in several of the Company's leading edge products.

"The convergence of wireless handsets and broadband functionality has ushered in the era of 3G multimedia mobility," said Dr. Charles Huang, Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer at ANADIGICS. "These convergence devices require innovative approaches in process technology and design techniques. ANADIGICS' integrated HBT/pHEMT process provides the technology leadership and innovation that enables differentiation of our world-class RFIC solutions in this competitive marketplace."

GaAs circuit designers have can take advantage of the best characteristics of both bipolar transistors and field effect transistors (FETs) using BiCMOS technology. With this, Anadigics, Inc., is able to develop and implement into volume production a commercially viable process for the integration of bipolar transistors and HBTs on a single GaAs die. ANADIGICS' HBT/pHEMT process results in greater integration of functionality on a single die, which reduces space requirements for RFIC designs.

For additional information, contact ANADIGICS by phone (908) 668-5000 or FAX (908) 668-5132 or visit the Company's Web site at

    Submitted By: news team Date: 2005-06-03
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