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    Serial BERT (Agilant N4903A, up to 12.5 Gbps) for jitter-tolerance test
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    Serial BERT (Agilant N4903A, up to 12.5 Gbps) for jitter-tolerance test
    0.05 to 50 GHz GaAs MMIC Distributed Amplifier by Mimix Broadband.
    WLAN RF Front-End Modules for Cellular Handsets: SiGe Semiconductor
    Integration of HBTs and pHEMTs on Single InGaP GaAs Die by Anadigics
    SyVoice VWLAN7100 CSM VoIP Solution For Wireless Mobiles: SyChip

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    Gte Microwava s.a. News - 01

SUBJECT: Gte Microwave s.a. – Microwave Components from 10MHz to 40 GHz. FOR RELEASE: Monday, October 23, 2005 MEDIA CONTACT: John O’Neill, In Costa Rica; Phone: XX-506-670-1729; fax: XX-506-670-1729 NEWS RELEASE: Gte Microwave s.a. Introduces Standard Catalog Amplifiers BAGACES, COSTA RICA: Gte Microwave s.a. has launched a new line of standard amplifiers, designed specifically for the demands of radar systems communication and to withstand harsh environmental conditions. Standard bands are available, and the amplifiers incorporate the latest GaAs MMICs and hybrid circuitry configurations. “Gte Microwave s.a. uses state of the art, ceramic substrates and top of the line GaAs devices in all of our internal circuitry designs,” said John O’Neill, President. “Our workmanship reflects the latest MIL-SPEC standards.” and “We value the small quantity order customer and will continue to support their needs as we seek world wide sales reps and distributors.” The company offers both standard catalogue items - GaAs FET and MMIC amplifiers, up / down converters, and frequency multipliers from 10 MHz to 40 GHz – and custom component projects (up to 60 GHz), including smaller quantity and quick turnaround orders. FEATURED IN ATTACHED PHOTO: A pair of ASA6-2G-27G-50-15P-32. The units have a SMA input & output connectors, 32dB of SSG, operate from 2 to 27 GHz, 5.0 Nf @ +50C, +15 P-1dbm of power. ABOUT GTE MICROWAVE S.A.: Gte Microwave s.a. designs and manufactures form-fit-and-function, medium power, and low noise strip-line components for microwave and millimeter wave systems. The management and engineering team brings to the company more than 80 combined years of microwave component industry experience, including work at Remec, Hewlett-Packard, Sawtek, L3 Communications, Avantek, Celeritek, Harris Microwave, DBS Microwave and TRW/Milliwave. Gte Microwave s.a., a corporate business and is located in Costa Rica, a 30 minute drive from the international airport in Liberia and a four-hour drive from the international airport in Alajuela. Components are produced near Bagaces, Costa Rica. Because of the company's location, and because of lower manufacturing costs, customers receive quality components at a substantial savings. We ship World Wide with no end user restrictions!

    Submitted By: John ONeill Date: 2005-10-23
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