1. To measure the center frequency of RF
tuned amplifier module.
2. To measure the gain of RF tuned amplifier
3. To measure the bandwidth of RF tuned
amplifier module.
4. To measure the variation of center fre
quency with tuning voltage of RF tuned
amplifier module.
5. To measure the 1dB compression point of
RF tuned amplifier module.
6. To measure the frequency of RF oscillator
7. To measure the output power level of RF
oscillator modules.
8. To measure the frequency and level of
various harmonics of RF oscillator modules.
9. To observe the effect of capacitive feed
back ratio on output of RF oscillator
10. To observe the effect of supply voltage on
output frequency, output level and harmon
ics of RF oscillator modules.
11. To measure the frequency of RF crystal
oscillator modules.
12. To measure the output level of RF crystal
oscillator modules.
13. To measure the output harmonics of RF
crystal oscillator modules.
14. To measure the frequency pulling charac
teristic of RF crystal oscillator modules.
15. To measure the phase noise of RF crystal
oscillator modules.
16. To measure the center frequency of IF
amplifier modules.
17. To measure the gain of IF amplifier mod
18. To measure the bandwidth of IF amplifier
19. To measure the 1dB compression point of
IF amplifier modules.
20. To measure the frequency conversion
gain/loss for mixer modules.
21. To measure the 1dB compression level for
mixer modules.
22. To measure the LO/RF and LO/IF isolation
for mixer modules.
23. To measure the optimum LO drive level for
minimum distortion/conversion loss for
mixer modules.
24. To measure the dynamic range for mixer
25. To measure the VSWR of mixer modules
at RF/LO/IF ports.
26. To measure the LO/RF frequency range of
mixer modules.